Need some more books, Reader? Because for 48 hours you can get some paranormal mysteries, women's fiction, romance and other eBooks for free!!! Including Without Intention!!!
Witching and Scheming sadly wasn't ready, but there are so many good books in here to check out, and Without Intention is available for those who haven't read it yet! Personally...Oh man, pals. I don't even know where to start. Remember how I was going to Washington to do the Sasquatch Double? The 5K and the Half Marathon? Yeah, I couldn't walk after the 5K, I didn't make it to the start line of the half. The MRI revealed I have torn tendons and a bunch of scar tissue in both ankles and I'm not really supposed to be walking... Now I have Physical Therapy, go to the chiropractor and have been told by an orthopedic surgeon that it's not if I need reconstructive foot surgery, but when I'm ready for it. Which may be never, because 12 months of not being able to walk (6 months for each foot) is more than I can wrap my head around. Severe pain aside, I am constantly in pain and everything hurts. I really just lay on the couch, elevating, icing and reading smut when my brain can manage to form a thought. Also I do regular daytime work and still do one day a month at the winery which is even more painful now that standing is harder. But Mt. Rainier was beautiful. Padfoots Periodicals / PalsHuMom put me on a cover!!!! Check me out on the cover of Book 2 in The Ampersand Trilogy, Without Direction! Check out my fluffy butt and mom running on her fluffed up ankles in Mt. Rainier. Lub, Da Padfoot (& CEO Perry) |
Writing stories 📚 Self-publishing books inspired by my dogs, mental illness, and generally immature sense of humor. Perry Dog Publishing is a one woman, two dog operation currently based in Southern Idaho. I have an MS in Psychology and a BS in Biology with a minor in Philosophy and Chemistry- all of which is useful for writing Mysteries and Romance... kind of.
Happy March, Reader! I'm going to try to keep this one short and sweet because... well... one, I'm supposed to be getting ready for work and two, I'm also supposed to be eating food and getting more coffee. I'm attempting this after only one cup of coffee so if you get lost or find errors, well, you know there is a legal limit to function on caffeine and I am below it. Wish me luck! First: New colors and fonts! I went to a publishing summit and one of the things they suggested was consistent...
How's it going, Reader? I don't think there's anyone new here... the program I use to send these says no one new has joined in the past 30 days which means we are going to skip the intros and the blah blahs and get right to the pupdates and gossip! The Ampersand Trilogy redesign and reformat for all eBooks and Paperbacks is complete. It took 6 hours of my Sunday, but by golly... they are all live and updated on the Amazon. eBook updates for Without Regret on my website are still pending and I...
Are you ready for a flood of books, Reader? Because December 24th is the Finnish Christmas Book Flood tradition and I am once again celebrating by doing Buy 1, Get 2 Free on all eBooks on Perry Dog Publishing and free shipping on paperbacks! Just use code JBFLD24 at checkout for 66% off 2 or more eBooks and BKSHP24 for free paperback shipping! Including three "disfigured" un-updated copies of Witching and Scheming which come with an eBook for actual reading, available as Disfigured Paperback...